Dear John

Dear John, Yes, there were two restaurants. “Frank’s” in Moss Beach, overlooked the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve, the beautiful reefs you speak of. The other was pink in color and stood a mile or so from the foot of “Devil’s Slide,” that dangerous but breathtaking slice of roadway, “a little Big Sur,” that separates Pacifica and …

There have been more developments vis-a-vis my “Search for the Beatniks Who Lived In The Abalone Factory At Princeton.” I’ve heard from the fascinating artist Michael Bowen, the world traveling painter (there is a room in a European museum named after him–Bowen always felt that his art was more appreciated & understood in Europe than …

Daylight Saving Time, Part IV

There was also resistance to Daylight Saving Time (DST) from labor unions, the transportation industry and dairy farmers. One clever strategy Artie Samish employed was to insert anti-DST editorials in sightseeing pamphlets and tour schedules. One such piece appeared in a tourist guide advertising a wondrous day trip to San Mateo County called “Giant Redwood …

Charlie Nye, Jr.: RIP —Father was a Moss Beach Pioneer/Known For Legendary Clam Chowder

Charlie Nye: We loved you dearly for being exactly who you were…terribly eccentric and a genial host.. who always made the unexpected guests who knocked on his door (often out of sheer curiosity) feel welcome at “The Reefs.” Jenna Kinghorn, editor of “Between the Tides,”–the Friends of the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve newletter me that Charlie …

Conversations: I Hear From LARRY KAPLAN (Lincoln H.S. Alum) Part IV: Conclusion (for now)

Larry, It seems that I am meant to be here, right where I have been for more than 30 years. At one point there were opportunities (in the entertainment industry) in NY & LA and my parents were even going to move with me–but in the end neither came to be. I do like where …