Marilyn Monroe’s Last Sitting Revisited…

with troubled but gorgeous, freckled young actress Lindsay Lohan posing in her place in a spread in New York Magazine

If you’re my age, you know that some of these Bert Stern photographed images of forever icon Marilyn have been floated around before. Now Stern’s done it again, with Lindsay Lohan playing the role that Marilyn did so much better because she understood her emotional pain–but couldn’t squelch it.

(Unlike La Madonna, who needs only one name for universal recognition, Marilyn, who crumbled before us, and was so much more real, still seems to need the two names: Marilyn Monroe.)

As is so typical of these times, this era, when, sadly, originality is rarely found, for fun Lindsay Lohan has to don a platinum wig and pretend to do a famous photo shoot that has already been done.


After Note

Yes, I am also a TMZ PerezHilton etc. junkie. And on their blogs, I have been see Britney sometimes wearing a pink wig–was she hoping to be the Bert Stern model?

ABC News’ Mark Litke: Now and Then…….

Hello June,

I was just researching some information for a Vietnam story and saw the name “Wheatley” on my google results. I know the name well. He was the first person I knew killed in Vietnam. Following the links…of course…brought me to your site. And…well, you can guess the rest.

We were at Lincoln together. I graduated in the Spring of ’65.jl2.jpg
While my picture is inexplicably missing from the graduates in the
65 yearbook, you’ll find me there on the “Forty Links” page and as one of the ’65 Yell Leaders.

We must have known each other. As I rummaged through your site, it was like digging through a long lost chest in some great aunt’s dusty old attic (although we certainly are not that old). What a treasure trove of memories! Jeff Liss and Bobby Cooper (along with their cousin Jeff Cooper) were friends of mine at Lincoln (I went to Giannini Jr. High). I haven’t seen any of them since moving on to Berkeley.

I live in Hong Kong today. I’ve just retired as the Chief Asia Correspondentjl.jpg for ABC News. It seems as if we might also have a number of mutual friends in the news business.


Mark Litke KPIX Features El Granada

KPIX’s “Eye on the Bay” program is doing a series on teeny tiny California towns, and when they got to “E,” the producers found El Granada, the jewel in the crown of the Ocean Shore Railroad’s Coastside. I was interviewed and had a great time, the best time I’ve ever had doing something like this.
This show features the DEF of the alphabet, so you’ll learn about Dublin before getting to El Granada. “F” stands for Felton, a nostalgic summer resort surrounded by giant redwoods.

To see the KPIX show, click here

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