Will This Win Any Architectural Awards?

Isn’t it a bit large? Big, compared to the surroundings?

… As a great man (my boyfriend, Burt) has said: “If you hang long enough, you’ll get used to it.” In other words we humans can get used to anything–but should have to?


Coastside County Water District Candiate Jim Marsh outside El Granada Post Office this morning:

Great quote Marsh found from Mark Twain:

“Gold is worth fightin’ for,
Water is worth dyin’ for”

Coastside Cheesecake

Miss Burlingame 1938, Virginia Meitz (at right) and a friend pose on the beach at Half Moon Bay in 1939. photo courtesy Miss Virginia Meitz

Who’s The Boss?

Neighbors Ben (the dog) with his associate Dennis in the lower corner of deck agree that the weather is beautiful today..

Musical Interlude

I love all kinds of music, opera, classical, pop, folk, jazz, electronic, etc. but if you love rock and want to go back to your 60s roots, I highly recommend the Swedish group’s latest release, “dungen ta det lugnt”. I dont’ care that it’s sung in Swedish, I get it, and the Jimi Hendrixish electric and accoustic guitars make me want to be a rock ‘n roll star all over again.

This is music that changes from an almost symphonic construction to raging, terrific rock. Sometimes they have a wonderful Beatle-ish sound, very sweet, and then they can get very tough. Very classy.

Swedish rockers Dugen’s “ta det lugnt”

The end of the 4th track is just amazing. The whole work, which I see as a kind of “rock” opera because of the theme repetition brings back shades of many of the greats from the 60s, but, oh, so much better.

Now Andrew is Moving

Andrew with Stella

Everywhere I look these days someone is moving somewhere else.

Now I just learned that Andrew, his wife, Jan, and dog Stella, have purchased a bar/restaurant in Fall River Mills. He said it’s a tiny town of 600 near the double volcano Mt. Shasta. They’re going to call the bar the Mayfly.

On my walks I frequently run into Andrew and Stella–they are both so friendly and Andrew’s a character, originally from New Jersey, I believe.

They are looking for someone to help them move.