The “Moraga Stairs were not as creative-looking when I was growing up near them in the Sunset District. Lynn Kalajian McCloskey walked up and down them for us and took the great photo.
Meet Brinkley…………
The Wonders of Moss Beach………
“Where Nature, unadorned, her handiwork reveals
“In lofty span, in jutting rock
“which raggedly conceals
“The bounding, breathing, living swell
“of the unfathomed deep,
“Where he who plows no furrow leaves
“nor ever stays to reap.
“Not that I love man’s work the less,
“thus do I seek thy shore,
“But that I love the handiwork
“of untouched Nature more.”
From Moss Beach Realty brochure, circa early 1900s
1900s Moss Beach: “The Coming of the Settlement”
….On South Coast Sea Arches…
…What are the odds…
At Fort Mason today, we saw the “Spill Chaser”…
Michael Powers says: ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
(Photo: Two sisters in a mercado in Guatemala by Ocean Studio photographer Robert Stender.)
Dear family & friends, Ocean Studio Alliance & Miramar Beach Kayak Club members,
I got up this morning hoping to send a message of hope & peace to all of you as the new year begins, & this wonderful image that my old amigo Bob Stender captured as we wandered together through a Guatemalan mercado years ago, just kept calling out to me.
Yesterday my old friend Chris Hedge, a very gifted & successful composer (who had his original Magic Shop music studio in the A-frame), his filmmaking partner Scott Dewar & I worked out a deal to begin sharing the new studio out front. If you go to & click on the ABOUT link, you will find a great little web show (with Chris’s great music, of course) that further inspires me to attempt the same for all of us in the OS Alliance!
Needless to say, I’m totally stoked to have Chris & Scott here in the new OS studio. For the last Olympics, they created a big production that ran for a month at Torino, where they had musicians from all over the world performing together – & now they are working on an even bigger deal for the 2008 Olympics in Bejing, China – who knows, maybe we can join them there!
On that exciting note, let us approach 2008 with passion & joie de vivre. May the same peace & courage that shines in the faces of Bob’s Guatemalan niñas, also shine forth brilliantly from yours.
Much love always, Michael & the Miramar Tribe
Renowned Investment Advisor Ken Fisher
(whose hobby is sharing the colorful history of Kings Mountain, where he resides) spoke to the Spanishtown Historical Society in Half Moon Bay in the 1990s. More than 100 years ago the Kings Mountain area was home to a rough ‘n tough breed of silent men who worked in the sawmills.
(Photo courtesy Ken Fisher: The crew at the Alvin Hatch Mill, circa 1910.)
Coastside Sea Arches…Have You Seen Any?
John Vonderlin is looking for arches on our Coastside. These were from Moss Beach. Are they still there? Email john ([email protected])
For more on sea arches, click here
and here
and here