Bridge Over Pilarcitos….Built in 1900, is it still there?*


Yes, indeed! Built in 1900, this bridge is famous, said to be the first steel-reinforced concrete bridge of its kind.

Thanks to John Vonderlin for sending this from the Call Bulletin


Splendid New Bridge Over Pilarcitos Creek – Structure Now Completed and Will Probably Be Accepted by San Mateo Supervisors.”

Halfmoon Bay, Oct. 7. The new concrete bridge recently constructed over Pilarcitos Creek has been officially examined for acceptance by the Board of Supervisors.

The structure cost about $10,000, and it is the intention of the supervisors to cause heavy rock to be placed along the sides of the earth fills so as to protect the banks and prevent them from being washed away. This extra work will cost approximately  $1000.

The dimensions of the bridge are: Length: 124 feet; width, including a 20-foot roadway and a 4-foot sidewalk, 25 feet height above ground level, 22 feet; arch span, 60 feet.

Work on the structure was commenced April 7 and it was thrown open to the public August 21. To Supervisor Joseph Debenedetti is due the credit of having secured for the city the splendid structure which is not only an ornament but fills a long felt necessity. All the help practically employed on the bridge was engaged here. This meant that there was a disbursement of several thousand dollars among the people of this vicinity.


*Built in 1900, is it still there? U bet.

Gray Gardner: Best Place to Watch a Coastside Storm


June-The best place for me was our old Beach House,on the beach below the Distillery,with the Waves breaking against the Reef and the”Pillar”,with the Lights of Distillery illuminating it all. The house was built  on the same lava formation as the Reef,and would shake with the wave hits .If  it was High Tide,the waves would fill the depression in front of the house………we would fire-up the  cast-  iron Fire Place, put Wagner on Bob’s Stereo  (Which was one of the best on the Coastside at that time).Turn the lights off and drink Hot  Spiced Rum until  Dawn!