Story by John Vonderlin
Email John: [email protected]

Created by June Morrall
Story by John Vonderlin
Email John: [email protected]
Story by Angelo Misthos
To John (Vonderlin)
In David L. Durham’s “California’s Geographic Names: A Gazeteer of Historic and Modern Names of the State” there appears under Tunitas Creek (San Mateo) stream: “The (OS) railroad stop near the creek about 1910 was called Long Bridge for a structure built across the stream in 1869. (Browm P. 49.)” This coincides more with your findings that the the Long Bridge name originated from an early roadway and not with my view that it was that the OS had so named its 515 foot trestle, though the railroad must have appropriated the name for its own use as previously explained. I found the above by Googling: Long Bridge at Tunitas Glen/David L Durham. The reference to Brown is probably to Thomas P. Brown’s “Colorful California Names: Their History and Meaning.” Angelo
Elaine Teixeira’s Half Moon Bay High Class Reunion
Story by Elaine Teixeira
A Half Moon Bay High School reunion was held at Nick’s in Rockaway for graduates, spouses, and former members of the classes 1944-1956 on October 10. Pat Baldwin Weir and her committee have organized these reunions every 5 years for at least 20 years. This year, it was only three years since the last and it was one of the largest groups ever to attend. Pat is already planning the next reunion and deserves a big hand, along with her committee, for putting so much effort into making these events such a success.
Photos by Fred Cunha
Images of some of the attendees: Bev Cunha Ashcraft, Pedro Corral, Terri Santini, Bruno & Gwen Giusti, Norman Carter, Dorothy Gillie Bettencourt, Jack Bettencourt, Jerome Vallado and Lorraine Gabriellie Valladao, Donald Benson, & Virginia Frances.
To enjoy their images, please click here
These are from Roswell:
But today they visited the new Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park:
Visit the Lost Coast with Joel Bratman, please click here
Story by John Vonderlin
Email John: [email protected]
(Photo courtesy
Elaine Martini Teixeira.)
You may not familiar with this restaurant, owned by Frank Torres, which stood overlooking Montara beach and burned. Here’s what it looked like originally:
Story by Marcy Gensic
Hi June!
I work with Neil Young and we are currently working on the Neil Young Archive Volume 2 Box Set. It goes from roughly late 1972 through 1982. In December of 1975 and January 1976 Neil did a bar tour in Northern California unannounced with Crazy Horse and he played at the Frank Torres Beach Hotel but we don’t have the exact date nor can I find any reviews or references to it anywhere. In all of your research, have you ever come across anyone ever mentioning this? In reading through your site, there was a gentleman, Bruce Pine and he seemed to be around about that time. Would he possibly remember anything or would you have contact info on that.
Also I was wondering if you know of anyone who would have photos from the 70’s of the hotel. I do have photos from much earlier time periods, but it would be nice to see it in the 70’s athough maybe it hasn’t changed that much.
Fun site to read through. Any suggestions or help you could give me would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time.
All My Best!
Marcy Gensic