1900s: The Ocean Shore Railroad Era Resorts…


From the Ocean Shore Railroad Company


Distances from San Francisco and Hotel Accommodations

GRANADA—27.1 miles. Hotel North Granada, accommodations for forty. Rates $2.00 per day or $12.50 per week. Address J.T. Mabey, Granada, Cal.

At Granada, the beach is perfect. There is a large bathhouse and bathing in the surf is most enjoyable. A perfect picnic place.

mosconiHALF MOON BAY—30.2 miles. Hotel Mosconi, accommodations for forty. Rates, $2.00 per day, $7.00 to $14.00 per week. Address C.P. Mosconi, Half Moon Bay, Cal.

Occidental Hotel, accommodations for fifty. Rates $2.00 per day, $8.00 to $10.00 per week. Address A.T. Gilcrest, Half Moon Bay, Cal.

PURISIMA—34.3 miles. Purisima Hotel, accommodations for thirty. Rates reasonable. Address Mrs. J.R. Clarke, Purisima, Cal.

PurissimaNew Purisima House, accommodations for fifty. Rates $2.00 per day, $10.00 to $14.00 per week. Address F.F. Sarcander, Purisima, Cal.

These two hotels are anglers’ headquarters for Purisima, Lobitos and Tunitas Creek.

roadtunitasTUNITAS GLEN—38 miles. The present terminus of the OCEAN SHORE RAILROAD. No hotel accommodations, but ideal camping grounds, with delightful beach and wooded canyon through which flows Tunitas Creek, where trout abound.

SAN GREGORIO—3 miles from Tunitas Glen, reached by stage from Tunitas Glen; fare 50 cents. Palmer House, accommodations for twenty. Rates $2.50 per day, $12.00 to $14.00 per week. Address Mrs. Frank Bell, San Gregorio, Cal. The famous San Gregorio Lagoon and Creek is at this point, where hundreds of trout fishermen find their way every season. Free camping grounds.

swanPESCADERO—8 miles south of Tunitas Glen, reached by stage; fare $1.00 Swanton House, accommodations for seventy-five. Rates $2.00 and up. Address Mrs. Corey, Pescadero, Cal. Grand ocean beach.  Bathing, fishing and hunting for small game. Pescadero Creek is a well known fishing stream.

PEBBLE BEACH—12 miles from Tunitas Glen, reached  by stage; fare $1.00. Hotel accommodations at Pescadero, two miles distant.

redwoodsLA HONDA—11 miles from Tunitas Glen, reached by stage; fare $1.25. Hotel La Honda, accommodations for seventy-five. Rates $2.00 per day, $8.00 to $10.00 per week. Address Mrs. I. J. Sears, La Honda, Cal.

Hotel Woodruff, accommodations for seventy-five. Rates, $2.50 per day, $12.00 to $14.00 per week. Address Percy Weeks, La Honda, Cal.

Alpine House, accommodations for twenty. Rates, $2.00 per day, $8.00 to $10.00 per week. Address A.V. Keefer, La Honda, Cal. La Honda is about seven miles inland from the ocean, located in the forests of gigantic redwoods that are so characteristic of the Coast Range Mountains of California. Trout fishing and hunting for small game and deer are unexcelled.

Camping grounds at La Honda may be rented by the month. A vacation at La Honda is ideal.

BellevaleBELLEVALE—-10 miles from Tunitas Glen, reached by stage; fare $1.00 Bellevale Hotel, accommodations for thirty. Rates $2.00 per day, $8.00 to $10.00 per week. Address Mrs. James Bell, Bellevale, San Mateo County, Cal. Good camping grounds in dense redwood forests. Fine trout fishing in many small creeks.
