Story from John Vonderlin
Email John ([email protected])
Streams Which Will Be Stocked To-Day
With Ranbow Trout.
Superintendent of Fish-hatcheries Wood –
berry and his attendant, Richardson, will
arrive from Bissons this morning with 40,000
young fry of the rainbow trout, which will
be distributed in the La Honda, San
Gregorio and Pescadero creeks in San
Mateo County.
These streams have numerous tributaries,
which will benefit by the stocking of the
main waters. The Pescadero is a magnifi –
cent stream, and carries a large body of
water in the summer, as well as in the
winter months. It is hoped that the farm –
ers who reside in the vicinity of the glens
will take an interest in the labors of the
gentlemen who are connected with the
Fish Commission, and use their utmost en –
deavors to bring to justice those who are in
the habit of destroying fish by giant-powder
explosives during the winter season when
the salmon run up the river to spawn. In
a few years hence, if the vandalism which
has been going on without interruption for
years be checked, the fraternity who enjoy
good trout fishing will be delighted with
the sport these streams will afford when the
youngsters arrive sit their majority.
The average freight of a lull grown rain –
bow trout is lrcm 2 1/2 to 3 pounds, and a
greater trout is hard to find.
‘The Dolly Varden is a more stubborn
customer to land, but his rushes are not as
desperate as the rainbow, who tires himself
completely out in the early part of the fight
for liberty. The “Dolly,” when hooked,
generally goes to the bottom of the river
where it lodges and remains so doggedly
steadfast that one not acquainted
with the fishes’ ways of battle, would im –
agine that his hook bad become fastened in
a tree-root or some hidden substance.
A steady pressure on the. line will soon
convince the man on the shore end of the
rod “that he is still in it,” and presently
the reel sings as the silk runs through the
loops of the rod. Then it is that care
must betaken to prevent the fish from mak –
ing some place of its vantage which, if once
gained, is almost sure to give it its freedom.
The hooking, play and landing of a four –
pound Dolly varden trout is sport which is
thoroughly appreciated by the angler who
understands the art of fly-casting.
Of the two species of trout the rainbow
is preferred by anglers, principally on ac –
count of its system of feeding. In the
months of June, July and August it rises
freely “to the fly” and as a matter of con –
sequence the angler with artificial devices
can rely upon having some good sport.
The Dolly Varden feeds principally on
grubs and larva which are swept by the
current and lodge generally on the bottom
of the deep holes and whirlpools. Occa –
sionally a dolly is tempted to the surface
ol the water, but as a general rule this
species of trout are what is termed by
anglers “bottom-feeders.”
It is quite probable that the Fish Com –
missioners will honor some of the residents
of San Mateo County with badges entitling
them to the office of deputy commissioners.
It is certain that unless a custom which
has prevailed among classes of men who
have been destroying thousands of fish by
explosives is stopped the efforts of- the
Fish Commissioners to restock the streams
with a magnificent fish will be a worthless