I had some friends visit yesterday. Really nice folks, doers, the kind I admire. They have not live here as long as I have but I was amused by one comment:
“We hope to move to Pescadero.”
Currently, they live in another beautiful part of the more developed Coastside.
What amused me?
How many of you, who have lived here as long as I, and there are lots of you out there, said the exact same thing 30–40 years ago?
Longtime neighbor Connie Phipps once angry over the new signal light at Coronado & Highway 1 (has anyone ever looked at Coronado? The actual street? The sign for it is HUGE; you’d expect to find a freeway, when, in reality, Coronado is a tiny street, maybe 3 houses on a mini-block.
Does the County have plans in the works? A parallel road to Hwy 1? What could it be? Or was the man who made sign drunk?
So Connie said to me sotto voce: “We should have moved to Pescadero years ago.”
That has always been the dream: Pescadero…..La Honda…and for us recluses even farther south and into the secret deep canyons.
Things never change. Or, rather, the thoughts don’t change—-but Pescadero and La Honda and venues farther south are nothing like what they were 30-40 years ago. A realtor married to a lady involved in saving animals, says 20 years and Pescadero will be the new suburb.
Pescadero was once a dream for me and La Honda heaven for Ken Kesey. Now, there is no there now, thank you . To me at this moment, that’s what the writer Gertrude Stein once said famously.