John Vonderlin: Great Inventions of HMB: Mr. Downing’s Portable Hay and Feed Rack

Story by John Vonderlin

Email John: [email protected]


Hi June,

While Mr. Knapp’s sidehill plow (known as a “Half Moon Bay” according to articles I’ve read) is probably Half Moon Bay’s most famous invention, with one ending up at the Smithsonian, I thought Mr. Downing, deserved a nod of recognition too. Enjoy. John
Portable Hay and Feed Rack.
Good arrangements for field feeding are generally known to be of great advantage to the stock – grower in saving feed from waste and aiding in its distribution among the animals entitled to it. The engraving on this page shows a device for feeding both hay and vegetables and grain, invented by W. S. Downing of Half Moon Bay, San Mateo county, and patented through Dewey & Co.’s Agency by O. H. Walker (1910 Filbert street, S. F.) and Mr. Downing. The plan adopted for introducing this rack is to sell the right to construct, accompanied with full specifications of material cut to specified sizes, so that any one handy with the saw and hammer can easily do his own building. A circular is issued, which gives a full account of the advantages claimed for the rack, the number of animals they will accommodate, also the benefit of rack feeding generally, which will interest stock-growers. These circulars can be had by addressing the inventors as above.