1925: Levy Bros. Holds Annual Big Picnic at Miramar Beach

From the “Half Moon Bay Review,” 1925

Levy Bros. To Hold Big Annual Picnic At Coast On Sunday

“The annual picnic of Levy Bros. department stores organization will be held on Sunday at Miramar Beach and promises to surpass in every respect all former picnics held under the auspices of the pioneer county mercantile firm.

“Frank Pease has been retained to preside over the barbecue pits and is now busy preparing a menu that will delight everyone. An orchestra will furnish music for dancing in the Miramar pavilion and an excellent program of contests, games and athletic events is being arranged.

“The picnic is tendered each year by the management to the employees and their families. Nearly 300 people are expected to participate in Sunday’s affair. A caravan of automobiles will leave the San Mateo store at 9 o’clock in the morning, carrying the fun seekers to the coastside resort.”


[Image: Josiah P. Ames built a long shipping pier at Miramar, then called “Amesport.”] Ames