Story from John Vonderlin
Email John ([email protected])
Hi June,
While the inexactitude indicated by “over 120 years,” leads me to believe there is some of the typical exaggerration found in historical estimates of longevity, I’ll still pass this along as one of Half Moon Bay’s lesser claims to fame. Though with this article being from the May 5th, 1860 issue of “The Daily Alta,” it’s a bit faded. Enjoy. John
Death of the Oldest Inhabitant. — Manuela Pinto, who was over 120 years of age, and probably the oldest inhabitant of California, died at San Benito, on Half Moon Bay, on the Ist inst., in the full possession of her intellectual faculties. She was a native of Mexico, but had resided in California a great many years. She leaves many descendants in Santa Clara County.
Question: John, what does 1st inst mean? The first month, like January/