While visiting the Chamarita, drop by Deb and Michael Wong’s Spring Mountain Gallery Opening tomorrow, Saturday, at 890 Main Street, a short walk from the historic festivities.
Hi June,
Been busy at the gallery since we moved there, and little time on the PC, except for when I’m doing jobs for clients! Just finished a poster of a graduate with her new car – Michael took the photos, then I worked on all the images, & made the poster. Did a lot of scans/restores for another client today, in addition to the framing jobs. Re-did Fayden Holmboe’s business cards for his officiant business (I designed them using one of Michael’s wedding shots) & when Fayden came in to pick them up, he mentioned you, said that you have a photo of him in your blog when he was younger, wearing basically the same clothes as he does today. We are that way, as well…we’re just plain folks, I guess. Fayden has been performing weddings at the Oceano, says that Nancy Neerhan is great to work with.
O.k., you asked for some hot pix, but right now I have nothing really exciting. Attached are pics of some of the jobs we worked on today, and of our new lighted OPEN sign, with our Grand Opening banner made by our friend Art Jurado. I also took a shot of the big office space that Scott Frazier is letting us use for our opening party, as our gallery is too tiny to host it completely. Michael put up a lot of our photos on the walls, and we set up a table where his daughter Kaitlyn and her friends will be pouring the wine & sodas.
What we didn’t know when we chose the 30th is that it coincides with the 138th Annual Holy Ghost Festival. Well, if anyone gets bored at our place, they can stroll up the street – 1 block up – for carnival rides and other festivities.
Right now, Michael is talking to his daughter Kaitlyn about what food to bring…….he’s asking me what I think…gotta go….more later!
Take care,
[Images below and above from Deb and Michael Wong. “Workload” and “Big Room”