1905: Old HMB School Still Standing?

Story from John Vonderin
Email John ([email protected])

Hi June,
This little story is from the May 20th,
1905 issue of the San Francisco “Call.”
Do you know if this school was built soon
after this announcement. Do you know if
it is still standing? Enjoy. John

HALFMOON BAY, May 19, Joseph
F. Francis, Fred Vallejo and Manuel
Francis, trustees of the Halfmoon Bay
School District, have decided to call a
mass-meeting of citizens to determine
the propriety of bonding the district to
erect a new public school building, ade-
quate, to the needs of Halfmoon Bay.
The present building is more like a
barn than a schoolhouse and is detri-
mental alike to the interests of tbe
children and tbe instructors. Residents
are urging the immediate need ot a
modern structure.
It is proposed to bond the district
for $20,000, with -which to- purchase
proper grounds and erect a suitable
building. As citizens favor the plan it
is likely that the trustees will be au-
thorized to proceed and call for a spe-
cial bond election.
James Seymour, census-taker for
the Halfmoon Bay district, reports that
there are 312 children in the district.
Of these 294 are native born.