Photo: After lunch on the beach, a look at available lots]
[Note: I wrote this story about El Granada in 1977.]
Snuggled against the mountains and facing a bay of incomparable beauty, the isolated hamlet [Granada] offered the best of two worlds: a desirable place to build a home and raise a family while fast commuter trains promised to deliver residents to their jobs in San Francisco.
A real estate agent from the Charles Kendrick Co. told his audience that the Ocean Shore Railroad planned to build a large casino, hotel and bathing pavillion overlooking the gray-blue Pacific.
“And any one you,” he said, “can buy a lot now, at low, low prices, and still enjoy the wonders of Granada while you watch your investment double.”
After listening to such a convincing sales pitch, followed by an unforgettable afternoon bag lunch on Granada’s sheltered, picturesque beach, people were ready to buy building lots.
And by the time these picnickers and lot speculators returned home on the train, they were bubbling with excitement. Before long as many as 1727 lots were sold, a total of $976,779. From that moment on, promoters stepped up publicity of the Coastside paradise on a grand scale.
…….to be continued………